New Services and Offers!

New Services and Offers!

New Services and Offers!


Surgilabs is able to offer training courses for the individuals who are going to use the equipment you purchase. The training is included in the purchase price, though repeat visits may be charged at a nominal rate.

Troubleshooting & Equipment repairs.

Surgilabs has personelle who are qualified to service and repair defects on equipment that we sell. For equipment failure that is beyond our capacity, Surgilabs has excellent relationships with all of it’s suppliers and for the most part, we are able to rectify the problem in a reasonable amount of time.


As official distributors of products from around the world, Surgilabs is able to offer manufacturer warranties on equipment for which warranties are available – offering you peace of mind and guaranteed satisfaction on every purchase you make.

It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like when they are pressurized into buying something, a recent research threw open some startling and revealing information.

In short, for an organization looking to bring in or develop more leads, it needs to bring in a major shift in its style of working from marketing and only sales to problem detecting and problem-solving.